"Wer'e lucky to be playing happy music"
For over a decade, before swing music became hip once again, trumpeter Eli Preminger has been bringing the joyous sound of New Orleans jazz to the Israeli crowd. As a soloist, bandleader and member of several ensembles such as Marsh Dondurma, Eli performed on some of the most prestigious stages in Israel and around the world, such as the Red Sea Jazz Festival, the Israel Festival, the Jewish Music Festival in Krakow and the Montreal Jazz Festival.
This band has evolved from playing the streets of Tel Aviv and small swing dance parties, to performing on significant stages and festivals in Israel. It was chosen to accompany the legendary New Orleans clarinetist Dr. Michael White during his tour in Israel.
The band's sound is based upon the rhythms and polyphonic style, typical of New Orleans: group improvisation and spontaneous action. The repertoire spans from old blues tunes and spirituals to popular songs from the 1930's, with Preminger's vocals in English, Yiddish and Polish (!).
Bringing creole and latin grooves back to traditional jazz, the musicians created some fresh swinging arrangements for old music, both well known and forgotten. These musicians wish to share their love for this music and the fun they have on stage to the public. It has been proved a success with many a young audience members expressing their joy with the controversial complement “I hate jazz music, but I like your music!”
Jazz from New Orleans,
Charleston dances from Chicago and swing from New York.